Refined Cottonseed Oil
It is not just oil, It is the secret ingredient of every kitchen
Indian individuals demand over-the-top delicacies with the oil of cottonseed being the foremost cooking fuel in Indian kitchens, arbitrarily improving the taste of fried foods immensely, cottonseed oil is found in countless Indian dishes.
When consuming cottonseed oil, you increase your intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, two types of polyunsaturated fat. The omega-3 fatty acids in the cottonseed oil help to decrease blood clotting and inflammation within the body, and also may help dilate blood vessels. Cottonseed oil has a great shelf-life hence it’s more popular with the Indian households.
Available in
Tins – 15 Kgs,15 Litres
Jars – 15 Kgs, 5 Litres, 2 Litres
Pouch – 1 Litres, 500ml
Bottle – 1 Litres, 500ml